When we’re not stirring up political controversy here, we’re raising enlightened individuals who are capable of thinking and questioning the status quo. We really do believe that our children are the future, and we’re raising them to believe in peace, acceptance, and coexistence without judgement. We also blog about parenting on MomsGetReal and DadsGetReal.
On MomsGetReal, we talk about things like raising kids with good self-esteem and celebrating individuality.
On DadsGetReal, David has been exploring how Bruce Springsteen is a mentor to dads by teaching social responsibility, and explored his changing feelings about Memorial Day in light of the pointless loss of life we’ve incurred in the last round of politically and religiously motivated war mongering.
We’ve written about education a number of times here, and our friend James was inspired to do the same over at Dissident Voice with a brilliant expose on the American Corp-University Complex.
We love Allen Clifton’s Right Off a Cliff, the putting-it-in-perspective Republicans for Obama, and of course, we are ardent supporters of the Occupy movement.
We hope you’ll take the time to explore some of these articles and let us know what you think. Do you have a blog or have you published an article you’d like us to share in a future Great Reads post? Do you know of a Great Read that should be featured here? Let us know!
Thanks guys for linking to my post on Dissident Voice. The inspiration for writing that post was your great post on the scam of Higher Education in the US currently. Ever since the writing of my post, I’ve noticed that more people are writing and commenting about the scam ‘Edookashun’ corp system. We helped start the ball rolling as they say. More scandals should come out of the stinking pot.
You’re OUR inspiration. We appreciate so much your sense of justice and your vision of what SHOULD be versus what IS.
-Dave & Shadra