by David T. Bruce
Festival of art
Grants to patrons granted
Penalty paid with interest
Refuse to play?
Don’t look the other way
Keep a watchful eye for phonies
Facts are rarely represented faithfully
Homogenized canvas
The broadest stroke is used
Statues erected as visions crumble
Readings are rhetorical
Scripted spontaneity
National museum of relics
Carbon copies, misprints
Words of mass destruction
Mementos engraved with dreams of futures past
Symbols now our laurels
We live in yesterday
We preach a fierce morality
While we dance around the truth
The art of diplomacy carves a monument of hypocrisy
Watercolor dreams for our youth
Washed away by pious despots
A country cunningly annihilated
for more of David’s poetry, you can read RAGE, available exclusively on Kindle and free to borrow for Prime members.